Community Perspectives: How long is the process between applying for an in-house position and an offer?

In-house legal professionals discuss their experience with the length of time it takes to apply for, interview, and be offered a position.

Community Perspectives: How long is the process between applying for an in-house position and an offer?

(Author) Associate

How long is the process usually between application and offer? I know it varies, but I’m interested in all experiences. Do in-house jobs often let you take time off (like a month or so, plus the two weeks notice at your firm) before starting like BigLaw does?

General Counsel Responses:

  • I have hired people from less than a day to 4 months. It depends if the right bureaucratic approvers are available, budget cycle, need, role to be filled. I have been pretty comfortable waiting a month to six weeks , especially if there is a relocation involved. I’ve been okay with starting and then knowing that they have a preexisting vacation or wedding scheduled but better to know that when negotiating then blindsided with that.

Counsel Responses:

  • It’s going to vary so much. I have worked at companies that lost candidates because their interview processes required multiple two-day trips and took several months (red flag). My current place took about two months and was a much better experience.

Attorney and Associate Responses:

  • Good to know that BigLaw permits 1.5 months before starting work!

  • People often get that long in between if they ask for it.

  • The application process could be anywhere from 1-2 months (sometimes more)time off. It depends on the company needs and the time of the year. For example, if it’s towards the end of the year and you are waiting on getting a BigLaw bonus, they’ll give you a later start date. Otherwise, they will give you a signing bonus to start sooner. If they really need you to start, you’ll get some pushback about taking time off between jobs.

  • For me, the recruiter reached out a couple of days after I applied, and from the application to offer was about two months.

  • It varies. I received an offer in three days, two jobs ago. I applied day one, interviewed in the morning of day three, and had an offer by EOD on day three. This was at a large publicly-traded company that was desperate for help in my niche area and I fit the bill. It was a “right place at the right time” situation. With other companies it’s usually been between 4-8 weeks.

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