Community Discussion: How do you stay updated on the latest legal technology trends and best practices in legal operations?

Legal Operations professionals weigh in on how they find and adopt new tech.

Community Discussion: How do you stay updated on the latest legal technology trends and best practices in legal operations?

(Author) Legal Operations Manager: 

I find that most of my time is spent "herding cats" in terms of getting everyone on the same page with how and why we are using the tech we have already. I'd like to play a more proactive role in updating our tech and processes. - How do you stay updated on the latest legal technology trends and best practices in legal operations?

Legal Operations Responses:

  • We introduced 'Innovation Fridays' where team members can dedicate time to developing new ideas or improving processes without the pressure of their regular workload. This is not only effective, but it gives everyone something fun to look forward to at the end of each week.
  • We've started an annual legal hackathon where cross-functional teams collaborate to solve a legal process challenge, fostering teamwork and innovation. It really helps and people get way into it. We even have a party to celebrate the winners.
  • We're in the energy sector and we established a reward system for innovative ideas that lead to process improvements, which has significantly increased engagement and creative thinking. I find that gamifying almost always brings new energy to work.
  • Like a lot of people here, we have regular 'Think Tank' sessions where we discuss emerging legal tech and brainstorm its applications in our current processes. Although these are largely practical in terms of how they can serve us, I often find that it helps me to stay abreast on legal tech because people will find programs and platforms I don't have the time to find on my own.
  • We've implemented a 'Legal Lab' concept where team members can experiment with new technologies and strategies in a low-risk environment. This is the best version of finding new tech for me, as it often takes me time to find all the applications, and I can't devote regular time to that.
  • We partnered with tech startups to give our team early access to cutting-edge solutions and involve them in the development process for tools we may use.
  • We are in software development and we created a mentorship program where our legal team members are paired with innovators in our R&D department to exchange ideas and perspectives. Since we are regularly assessing software (as our business), this process was sort of built-in by the time we had gotten around to adding it as an official initiative.
  • We introduced a 'Challenge of the Quarter' where team members propose solutions to a specific operational challenge and the best one is implemented. We just started this, but for the last three quarters it's been working quite well in terms of staying on top of what's out there.
  • Our team holds regular workshops with other departments to understand their challenges and develop collaborative solutions that benefit the entire company.
  • We subscribe to a 'continuous feedback loop' where after every major project, we hold a retrospective to gather learnings and ideas for innovation. This helps for both tech that we adopt and tech that we are sunsetting. 

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