Community Discussion: How do you manage legal issues that attract media attention while maintaining the company's reputation?

Generals Counsel talk about how they work with high profile legal issues.

Community Discussion: How do you manage legal issues that attract media attention while maintaining the company's reputation?

(Author) General Counsel & Corporate Secretary:

Struggling with a high-profile legal case. How do you manage media attention while protecting your company's reputation?

Edit: Thanks for these insights. Balancing transparency, legal strategy, and proactive communication seems to be the key. Really appreciate the diverse perspectives!

General Counsel Responses:

  • We work closely with our PR team. Legal and PR strategies must be aligned to ensure consistent messaging.
  • It's about quick and transparent communication. If you are asked a specific question about the legal matter, just acknowledge the issue but don't give away too many legal details.
  • I've learned to never underestimate the power of a well-prepared statement. Being proactive has helped me not to have to white-knuckle my way through a press conference before (whether it's me speaking or someone else!).
  • We always emphasize our company's values in any communication, turning a negative situation into a reaffirmation of our commitment to quality and integrity.
  • We have a policy of not commenting on ongoing legal matters, but we make exceptions if silence could be more damaging.
  • Balancing legal and ethical considerations is imperative. Even if something is legally permissible, think about how it will be perceived publicly.
  • I ensure we're always a step ahead by monitoring media and social media trends related to the issue. It helps in tailoring our responses and also how others' responses have been interpreted online.
  • In my experience, providing training to spokespeople on handling media inquiries is crucial. They need to understand the legal sensitivities.
  • We sometimes use third-party experts to speak on our behalf. It can add credibility and distance the company from direct controversy.
  • Keeping employee and client information confidential during such times is my top priority. It's easy to slip up under media pressure.
  • We draft Q&A documents on potential media questions, preparing our team for various scenarios.
  • I focus on maintaining open lines of communication with key stakeholders like investors and employees, keeping them informed and engaged.
  • Monitoring the media for misinformation and quickly correcting it is a part of my strategy. It's important to keep the record straight.
  • Remember, no response is also a response! Sometimes saying nothing, especially initially, can be more powerful than a premature statement.

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