AI Antitrust Probes Are Underway, DOJ Says, But Turf Wars Hinder FTC Progress

Internal Divides Hamper FTC's AI Watchdog Role as DOJ Probes Boom

AI Antitrust Probes Are Underway, DOJ Says, But Turf Wars Hinder FTC Progress

While the Department of Justice (DOJ) officially confirmed ongoing antitrust investigations into the booming field of artificial intelligence (AI), the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) continues to grapple with internal disagreements over its own role in enforcing competition within the AI landscape.

“We have a lot of work underway at the Department of Justice Antitrust Division with respect to AI and competition, including numerous active investigations,” said Assistant Attorney General for Antitrust Jonathan Kanter.

FTC Authority, Jurisdiction Under Question

The DOJ's announcement comes months after the FTC launched its own inquiry into investments and partnerships in the generative AI space, particularly focused on the relationships between companies like OpenAI and Anthropic and their backers, including established tech giants like Microsoft, Google, and Amazon. However, the FTC's efforts have been plagued by internal disputes regarding the division's authority and jurisdiction over AI-related competition matters.

Armed with its powerful 6(b) authority, the FTC delved into the AI landscape through extensive market studies, a unique investigative tool unmatched by the DOJ. This ability to issue subpoenas beyond the limitations of specific litigation has historically empowered the FTC to generate reports on crucial topics like tech giant acquisitions and even form policy recommendations, as seen with their stance on pay-for-delay agreements in the pharmaceutical industry. 

While seamless information exchange fosters collaboration between the agencies in civil matters, Bill Baer, former head of the DOJ’s antitrust division and former FTC official, underscores the frequent occurrence of dual investigations when potential issues arise.

Concerns Over DOJ, FTC Conflicting Approaches

The Wall Street Journal revealed conflicting views within the FTC on how to approach antitrust enforcement in the AI sphere. Some commissioners argue for a cautious, case-by-case approach, while others push for more aggressive intervention to prevent potential monopolies and stifle innovation. They highlighted concerns about potential turf wars between the FTC and the DOJ, creating uncertainty and potentially slowing down investigations and enforcement actions.

The rising tension between the two major antitrust agencies has raised concerns about the effectiveness of regulatory oversight in the rapidly evolving AI sector. Critics worry that competition could be stifled if the government's efforts remain disjointed and reactive.

The battle lines in the AI antitrust arena are still being drawn, and the outcome will have significant implications for the future of competition and innovation in this crucial field. With both the DOJ and the FTC actively investigating potential anticompetitive behavior, it's only a matter of time before the first major AI antitrust case lands in court. The question remains, however, can these agencies overcome their internal differences and develop a unified strategy to safeguard competition in the age of AI? Logo
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