Community Perspectives: What do sign-on bonuses look like for in-house in BigTech?

Our in-house professional community their experiences with sign-on bonuses in the tech world.

Community Perspectives: What do sign-on bonuses look like for in-house in BigTech?

(Author) a Counsel

What do sign-on bonuses look like these days for in-house roles in BigTech companies? I have nine years of experience. Thanks for your input!

Counsel Responses: 

  • My friend received the equivalent of his firm bonus for that year that he otherwise would’ve missed. He had to ask for it, I believe. They didn’t offer it up front.
  • At Google.
  • I was given a very significant signing bonus, but Amazon is different in that it’s meant to make up for the low base and 5/15% vesting in years one and two to bring the total compensation up.

Attorney Responses:

  • Competing offers or bonuses you’re going to miss tend to drive this as well, so years of experience matter. I joined my company in the fall and got 20% of my base but had a competing offer. Before that they initially offered nothing.
  • It depends on how bad they want you.

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