Unleashing Potential: Legal.io's Community-Centric Approach to Career Growth

How Legal.io is working to expand its community of in-house talent, as reported by Legal Dive

Unleashing Potential: Legal.io's Community-Centric Approach to Career Growth

At Legal.io, we are more than just a marketplace for enterprise legal. We are a community, a resource hub, and a catalyst for change in the legal industry. We recently had the pleasure of being featured in an article by Legal Dive, where Tom Stephenson, Legal.io's VP of Community & Legal Operations shared his insights on our platform and its unique offerings. In this blog post, we want to delve deeper into what makes Legal.io stand out.

A Journey of Inspiration

At Legal.io, we take pride in our community members' diverse and inspiring career journeys. Our network offers benefits carefully tailored to fuel career progression, ignite professional ingenuity, and reinforce the collective strength of the global legal community. We believe every legal professional has a unique path and are here to support that journey. Whether you're just starting out or looking to level up, Legal.io is committed to helping you explore many career paths available in the industry.

A Growing and Diverse Network

Legal.io has a talent pool of over 2,500 professionals in permanent or temporary roles at legal departments and law firms. Thousands more engage with our platform, actively or casually exploring new opportunities. Our diverse community comprises lawyers, legal operations specialists, and various other legal professionals. This diversity strengthens our community and drives us towards more equitable and inclusive legal practices.

Building a Strong Community

At Legal.io, we believe in the power of community. We are actively working to strengthen the ties between the legal professionals we serve. We do this through a roadshow tour, visiting different parts of the country to connect with our members. We also manage an in-house Slack community where over 2,000 dedicated members discuss topics ranging from careers to legal software. This space facilitates real-time collaboration and knowledge sharing, fostering a sense of camaraderie among legal professionals across the globe.

Promoting Salary Transparency and Equity

We recently released a new salary tool for legal professionals in our commitment to knowledge sharing. This tool provides anonymized data about compensation for legal professionals with various titles and years of experience in different parts of the country. By illuminating the often hidden aspects of compensation, our salary tool empowers our community of professionals to make strategic choices for their careers and their teams. It also promotes salary transparency, fostering equity and inclusion in the legal industry.


Legal.io is more than just a platform; it's a movement toward a more connected, transparent, and equitable legal industry. We are proud to offer our members free access to invaluable resources, salary analysis tools, and community-focused events, all carefully tailored to fuel career progression, ignite professional ingenuity, and reinforce the collective strength of the global legal community. Join us as we continue to grow and redefine the legal profession's future.

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Connect with peers, level up your skills, and find jobs at the world's best in-house legal departments