Community Discussion: How did you navigate your way up to a senior legal operations role?

Legal Operations professionals provide insight on how they cross-train their team members.

Community Discussion: How did you navigate your way up to a senior legal operations role?

(Author) Legal Operations Manager

How did you navigate your way up to a senior legal operations role, especially in companies that didn't initially recognize the importance of the function?


Senior Legal Operations Responses:

  • Networking played a crucial role. I attended industry conferences and made connections with those already in senior legal ops roles. Their insights and recommendations helped me position myself better for such roles.
  • Continual learning was my strategy. I pursued certifications in legal tech, project management, and even some finance courses. This approach created more utility for my role, which led to quicker promotions.
  • I was intentional about seeking cross-departmental projects. Working on these projects not only expanded my skill set but also increased my visibility to senior management.
  • I always emphasized metrics. By presenting data on cost savings, time efficiencies, and risk reductions, it was easier to make a case for the importance of legal ops. This also helped to boost my stature at the company leading to a bigger role.

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