Legal Landscape Insights: Key Takeaways from General Counsel Conference East

Check out the Legal Speak podcast interviews on what brought them to the conference as well as what they learned from other attendees and seminars during the General Counsel Conference East.

Legal Landscape Insights: Key Takeaways from General Counsel Conference East

Last week,’s General Counsel Conference East was held in Brooklyn, New York, a unique platform that provided an avenue to discuss a broad legal landscape from a bird’s eye perspective. As part of the proceedings, the Legal Speak podcast conducted interviews with attendees and industry professionals to shed light on the motivations and key takeaways from the event.

Amongst the attendees were Account Managers from Cobblestone Software; Andrew Guattari and Alex Carraro, as well as Andrew Teicholz, a well-known figure in the sector of Compliance & Legal who currently serves as the Global Industry Strategist at OpenText. Their insights created a dynamic exchange of knowledge that helped attendees further comprehend the ever-evolving legal landscape.

The conference shone through as an educational opportunity, where legal professionals learned from conversations with their colleagues and following thorough reflections on various seminars. The diverse input and wealth of knowledge present at the conference provided an enriching experience for the attendees who gathered from different areas of law, various industries, and all corners of the globe.

To learn more about the conversations and insights shared during the General Counsel Conference East, you can find further details here. Logo
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