Stability AI: Legal and HR Heads Exit Amidst Company Upheaval

Stability AI has lost two key executives.

Stability AI: Legal and HR Heads Exit Amidst Company Upheaval

In a surprising turn of events, Stability AI, a once-celebrated artificial intelligence startup based in Silicon Valley, has lost two of its key executives. Adam Avrunin, the General Counsel, and Ozden Onder, the Chief People Officer, both parted ways with the company in October, as confirmed by sources close to the matter.

The departure of these executives comes on the heels of a press release issued by Stability AI less than two months ago, which highlighted Avrunin and Onder as integral members of the company's leadership team. Both executives had joined the startup earlier this year, with their profiles and posts on LinkedIn corroborating this timeline.

Stability AI is renowned for its Stable Diffusion image-generating software, a cutting-edge technology capable of producing realistic images based on textual prompts. However, the company has been grappling with a series of employee exits since spring, posing a challenge to its transition from a flashy startup to a well-established player in the AI industry. Other notable exits include Daniel Jeffries, the Chief Information Officer, and David Ha, the Head of Research.

Prior to joining Stability AI, Onder held the position of Chief People Officer at Wildlife Studios, a mobile game developer. She also had stints at Atlassian Corp. and LinkedIn. Avrunin, on the other hand, had worked at Zoom Video Communications Inc. and Splunk Inc. before joining Stability AI. During his tenure at the startup, Avrunin led the legal and public policy teams, as per his LinkedIn profile. Logo
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