Google Sues Scammers Over Counterfeit Bard AI

The lawsuit filed by Google seeks financial compensation for individuals who suffered damages as a result of the scam.

Google Sues Scammers Over Counterfeit Bard AI

Google has recently taken legal action against a group of unidentified fraudsters who have been deceiving internet users into downloading malware under the pretense of Google’s AI chatbot, Bard.

The fraudsters orchestrated a sophisticated scam by creating multiple social media accounts. They used these accounts to encourage people to download a counterfeit version of Google’s AI chatbot, Bard. These fake versions of Google Bard were found to be distributing malware. The scam was exposed when researchers at ESET discovered an advertisement on Facebook promoting the AI writer.

The advertisement was riddled with grammatical errors and spelling mistakes, and the writing style was noticeably subpar, especially from a company like Google. The ad provided a link that didn’t lead to a Google domain, but rather to one belonging to a Dublin-based firm called

The Malware

Upon clicking the link provided in the ad, users were redirected to a website that impersonated a Google site. This site had a download button which, when clicked, initiated the download of malware hosted on a personal Google Drive space. The malware was concealed within an archive titled GoogleAIUpdate.rar. Standard antivirus programs identified the executable as malicious.

Google’s Response: Legal Action and Beyond

In response to this fraudulent activity, Google has filed a lawsuit in the Northern District of California against the five unidentified scammers. As part of the lawsuit, Google is seeking injunctive relief in the form of a temporary freeze on commercial access to and commercial development of Google’s generative AI tools like Bard. In addition, Google is also seeking unspecified damages and payments as financial compensation for individuals whose data was allegedly misappropriated by the scammers.

Staying Safe in the Digital World

In the wake of this incident, it is important for internet users to stay vigilant and informed about the latest scams and threats. Regularly updating antivirus software, downloading software only from trusted sources, and being wary of suspicious links are some of the ways to stay safe online. As technology continues to evolve, so do the tactics employed by scammers. Therefore, staying informed and vigilant is the best defense against such threats. Logo
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