Community Discussion: How does everyone here approach managing and mentoring a diverse legal team in a big corporation?

Generals Counsel discuss how best to approach managing and mentoring a diversified legal team in a large company.

Community Discussion: How does everyone here approach managing and mentoring a diverse legal team in a big corporation?

(Author) General Counsel:

How does everyone here approach managing and mentoring a diverse legal team in a big corporation?

General Counsel Responses:

  • Diversity is key in my team. I focus on creating an inclusive culture where everyone feels valued and their opinions matter. I believe this is what makes any legal department great.
  • I've found regular one-on-one meetings to be crucial. It helps me understand individual career aspirations and provide tailored mentorship.
  • We've implemented mentorship programs pairing our more junior staff with senior lawyers. It’s about more than skills or project work – it's about building relationships and understanding diverse perspectives. Plus, it really builds comaraderie within the team and helps to make fiercely competitive individuals into a more team-based mindset.
  • As GC, I try to rotate team members on different projects. It gives them exposure to various aspects of our legal work and fosters a sense of unity. People don't always like each project, but I stand by this as a department policy. 
  • We've been conducting workshops on unconscious bias and cultural competence. It’s important for everyone, especially in leadership roles, so I make sure I don't miss one.
  • These are great insights. It's so important to tailor your approach to each team member while fostering an environment where everyone can grow.
  • I prioritize cross-cultural training. Understanding different backgrounds helps us work better as a team and respect each other's viewpoints.
  • I try to lead with empathy. Recognizing and validating the different challenges team members face is crucial for effective mentorship.
  • I think someone else said this earlier, but we have a 'shadowing' program where junior lawyers work closely with different senior lawyers each quarter. We try to make this experience as all-inclusive as possible. It's great for perspective-building and understanding various leadership styles.
  • I actively ensure equitable access to high-profile cases for all team members, regardless of their background. It’s about giving everyone a fair chance to shine.
  • One of our initiatives is regular 'culture days' where team members share their heritage and legal perspectives from their cultural background. It's both educational and unifying, and quite fun! 

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