Community Discussion: How are you preparing your legal team for the ethical and legal implications of AI and machine learning in your business practices?

Generals Counsel talk about their experience preparing their teams for AI legal and ethical work.

Community Discussion: How are you preparing your legal team for the ethical and legal implications of AI and machine learning in your business practices?

(Author) General Counsel:

In our practice, AI is becoming integral/hard to ignore. How are you preparing your legal team for the ethical and legal implications of AI and machine learning in your business practices?

General Counsel Responses:

  • We’ve started with extensive training sessions on AI technology. Understanding how it works is the first step in grasping its legal implications. Then we just field questions from there.
  • Our team is closely collaborating with tech departments to stay informed about new developments and their potential legal challenges. Then we have a team of people (usually Legal Ops) who put together training docs and presentations on those items that are necessary to learn.
  • Big focus on data privacy here. With AI, the way we handle data is crucial, so we're updating our policies and ensuring compliance with regulations like GDPR. 
  • We're actively participating in industry discussions and forums (sometimes hosting!) on AI ethics. It's important to be part of the conversation shaping these new legal frontiers.
  • I encourage my team to attend workshops and seminars on AI. Continuous learning is key in such a rapidly evolving field. Plus, it tends to assuage any fears of not knowing enough about realms like AI, if we can get out in front of it.
  • We've been consulting with external AI ethics experts to provide a fresh perspective on potential legal issues we might overlook.
  • Since we deal with AI in manufacturing, I've been emphasizing the importance of liability issues, especially in product malfunction scenarios.
  • We are working on understanding the implications of AI on intellectual property rights, particularly who owns the output of AI-generated content. This comes up a lot in my work, so might be more of a necessary for me than for other folks.
  • My team is examining the impact of AI decisions on employment law, especially how automated decisions could affect bias in hiring practices.
  • We're exploring how AI can be used responsibly in our own legal work, setting an example for ethical AI use in the company. We make sure that at any all-hands meeting we walk through our company on what we are using and why.

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