Community Discussion: What are effective ways to train senior executives on legal risks and compliance matters?

Generals Counsel weigh in on how they can train their senior staff on legal risks and compliance matters.

Community Discussion: What are effective ways to train senior executives on legal risks and compliance matters?

(Author) General Counsel:

I’m revamping our executive training program on legal risks. Any effective methods you’d recommend?

General Counsel Responses:

  • Interactive workshops have worked well for us. Real-life scenarios help executives to understand the practical implications of legal risks.
  • We use case studies of legal missteps from other companies. Nothing drives a point home like a cautionary tale. And there have been plenty quite compelling cautionary tales as of late.
  • I involve my C-suite and senior staff in discussions about ethical dilemmas. It gives them a firsthand understanding of the complexity of legal decisions.
  • Regular briefings on relevant legal updates have been key for us. Keeps them informed without overwhelming them with details. Besides, they only really need a baseline understanding of legalities.
  • We've implemented a mentorship program. Pairing executives with legal team members for a period. It's been effective in bridging gaps especially in how the legal team approaches any one matter.
  • Role-playing exercises have been surprisingly effective. Executives get to 'act out' responses to various legal scenarios. We try to make these as fun and engaging as possible, too, because it helps them to remember it more. 
  • I host Q&A sessions after major regulatory changes. This open forum approach encourages engagement and questions. I always push for my legal team to be a part of these sessions to get the questions going, too.
  • I've found that short, focused e-learning modules work well, especially for higher ups (since their free time is relatively unpredictable or nonexistent). They can complete them at their convenience.
  • Regular newsletters with concise legal updates and their potential impacts on our business have been well-received. I've walked into a few of my senior staffs' offices to find them reading the newsletter over coffee, so I know they are being read! 
  • In times of crisis, real-time case studies are invaluable. They help people understand the importance of quick and legally sound decision-making.
  • We do annual legal retreats. A day or two focused on legal training in an informal setting has been quite effective. Although mostly-geared towards our legal team, these getaways are helpful in driving home the fact that everyone is a part of the legal team.
  • Bringing in external legal experts for specialized topics has added credibility and fresh perspectives to our training sessions.
  • Thanks for all the suggestions! It’s clear that a blend of interactive, practical, and up-to-date training methods works best. Time to get creative!
  • One last thing, make sure to tailor the training to the specific risks of your industry. Customization is key to relevance and engagement.
    • Absolutely, customization to our industry is a must. Appreciate the reminder!

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