Community Discussion: When do your companies pay out bonuses?

Legal professionals discuss their company bonuses.

Community Discussion: When do your companies pay out bonuses?

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(Author) Legal Operations Professional:

When do your companies pay out bonuses? This is my first year in-house (F500, public) and have heard that our incentive plan comp gets announced/paid at the end of January or early February. How normal is this? Is it because they don’t want to spoil the Q4 earnings report?

Legal Professional Responses:

  • Announced late January or early February and paid out end of February/early March.
    • ^ same.
  • For us the determination of incentive compensation, communication to team members and payout all happens in December.
    • Same.
  • March/April.
  • Announce by mid-March and payout first week of April.
  • Informed late January, paid mid February.
  • Informed late January, paid out March 15th paycheck.
  • March.
  • We have a weird fiscal year but bonus is paid out 2 months after fye and there is a mid year “advance” of 50% that is paid out 2 months after end of q2 (so at end of month 8).
  • We pay end of Q1, gotta get all that interest on that free cash flow!
  • We do it in November and April/May.
  • Mid-March.
  • Announced last week of February, paid middle of March.

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