ABA's Top 10 Law Schools for Employment: Class of 2023

Top law schools by employment rate included UVA at 97.18%, followed by Michigan, Washington & Lee, and Columbia, with UVA securing the top spot for the 2nd year in a row.

ABA's Top 10 Law Schools for Employment: Class of 2023

Rankings season is upon us, and for current and prospective law students, understanding employment prospects is crucial. The American Bar Association recently released new employment data for the Class of 2023, shedding light on which law schools are sending the highest percentage of graduates into full-time leal jobs requiring bar passage.

The Class of 2023 Has A 85.6% Employment Record

The class of 2023 struck gold when it came to employment. An impressive 85.6% of graduates landed full-time, long-term jobs requiring bar passage or for which a JD provides an advantage within 10 months of receiving their degrees. 5% of 2023 graduates were unemployed and actively seeking work.

Top 10 Law Schools for Employment

  1. University of Virginia (UVA):

    • Employment Rate: An outstanding 97.18% of UVA graduates secured full-time law jobs.

    • UVA’s consistent performance shows its commitment to producing well-prepared legal professionals.

  2. University of Michigan:

    • Employment Rate: Michigan Law School achieved a strong 95.44% employment rate.

    • Michigan’s reputation for rigorous training pays off in job placement.

  3. Washington & Lee:

    • Employment Rate: Washington & Lee boasts an impressive 95.33% employment rate.

    • The school’s personalized approach to career development contributes to its success.

  4. Columbia:

    • Employment Rate: Columbia Law School maintains a solid 95.08% employment rate.

    • Columbia’s extensive alumni network and robust recruitment efforts benefit graduates.

  5. Duke:

    • Employment Rate: Duke Law School follows closely with 94.96% of its graduates finding legal employment.

    • Duke’s emphasis on practical skills prepares students for real-world challenges.

  6. Baylor:

    • Employment Rate: Baylor Law School secured 94.93% employment for its graduates.

    • Baylor’s strong ties to the legal community enhance job prospects.

  7. Iowa:

    • Employment Rate: The University of Iowa Law School achieved an impressive 94.01% employment rate.

    • Iowa’s commitment to experiential learning pays off.

  8. Chicago:

    • Employment Rate: The University of Chicago Law School stands at 93.90% employment.

    • Chicago’s interdisciplinary approach equips graduates for diverse legal roles.

  9. Boston College:

    • Employment Rate: Boston College Law School provided 93.42% of its graduates with legal jobs.

    • Boston College’s supportive environment fosters career success.

  10. Washington University, St. Louis:

    • Employment Rate: Washington University achieved a commendable 93.07% employment rate.

    • The school’s focus on practical training prepares graduates for the legal marketplace.

UVA’s Winning Streak

UVA managed to come out on top for the second year in a row. According to Kevin Donovan, Virginia Law’s senior assistant dean for career development, legal employers recognize UVA graduates as “uniquely prepared, both intellectually and in the more human sides of the law.”

The Class of 2023 enjoyed a strategic advantage due to its smaller size. With 863 fewer graduates, competition for legal jobs was less intense. This cohort benefited from a more favorable student-to-job ratio, allowing a higher percentage of graduates to secure employment within a reasonable timeframe.

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