An "is it normal" question from a relatively new in-house counsel coming from two years in BigLaw — I'm feeling like I'm relying on gut and Google most of the time and only learning about the business incrementally so there’s always some sort of "do we still comply with Contract X given Fact Y" worry popping up in my head. 

Edit: Thanks, everyone! It’s very reassuring to know that it’s normal to feel that this path is more "uncharted".

General Counsel Responses:

  • This is definitely normal. I subscribed to WestLaw Practical Law a bit over a year ago which has been a great resource for learning the lay of the land in new areas. I still need to reach out to OC for stuff but it’s a reassuring complement to Google.

Counsel Responses:

  • 17 years in-house. You've summed it up well. It's a lot of going with your gut and learning your company's risk tolerance level. There is little to no time for research as you once knew it.
  • That’s been my experience. Or “do we even do that?”
  • Yes. It’s all about issue-spotting and learning where to find answers. I highly recommend WestLaw Practical Law and reading as much as you can. Also bringing up risk to business folks and let them make the call.
  • Everything is an ultimate business decision in-house just make sure you're doing everything as you need to.
  • Yep. I’m new to in-house also (with a private global company). In my early weeks, my supervisor literally said “Nah, we don’t have Lexis or WestLaw. Don’t stress. You’ll get a feel for it over the next year and be able to make these decisions. If you’re stuck, call me or outside counsel.” I absolutely love this job but that’s been my biggest adjustment so far.
  • Mostly gut and Google. Learn the business, read any policies and procedures, keep up with internal developments across the biz to help you better understand your company's risk tolerance. Talk to the other lawyers. I think you get it more "creative" in-house, which I prefer.