Newsletter - December 9, 2022 Edition #136

Published weekly on Friday, the Newsletter covers the latest in legal, talent & tech. Newsletter - December 9, 2022 Edition #136


U.S. News Rankings Future - With 11 law schools having announced they will stay out of the rankings so far, many are speculating about the future of the rankings; specifically if this exodus will spread to undergraduate rankings. More here

All aboard the GPT-3 Express! Brad Newman, Assoc. Dir. of Practice Innovation Services at Cooley LLP wrote his take on the LegalTech AI Hype Train. Read it here. 

Lexion In-House Legal Professional Survey - Given the state of the economy, Lexion's survey (polling 450 in-house legal professionals) finds companies are slowing/freezing hiring, reducing outside counsel spend and conducting layoffs. More here

Major US Record Labels are filing copyright lawsuits against companies that don't obtain licenses to use music in TikTok videos and other social media posts. More here.

Global Study: Four-Day Workweek - The global study reported results from 33 companies and 903 workers of a 6-month period; the vast majority reporting they would not go back to a five-day workweek after it ended. 97% of the 495 respondents and 27 companies want to stay with the four-day work model. More here

Elon Musk's Neuralink Chip - With Musk's brain chip trials resulting in 1k+ animal deaths, Neuralink finds itself embroiled in a federal investigation. More here.  

Devin Stone, also known under his Youtube handle LegalEagle, provides a detailed breakdown of the FTX Collapse. View here.

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