Community Discussion: How do you keep your legal team motivated and morale high, especially during high-pressure periods with long hours?

GCs talk about how they keep a legal teams' spirits high during periods of long hours with high-pressure legal projects.

Community Discussion: How do you keep your legal team motivated and morale high, especially during high-pressure periods with long hours?

(Author) Head of Legal:

My legal team has been working long and hard for one particularly demanding project. We are covering bonuses and trying to keep them incentivized in all the ways we can. I can tell it's really wearing on them. - How do you keep your legal team motivated and morale high, especially during high-pressure periods with long hours?

General Counsel Responses:

  • We've been there. Recognizing individual efforts publicly during team calls has helped a lot with my team. A little appreciation can go a long way in boosting morale. But also, make sure they have everything they need.
  • It's all about the small wins for us. We celebrate every little victory, like a successful negotiation or a deadline met. Keeps the momentum going and the team feels valued. I tend to think of this as one of my primary jobs as GC.
  • What's worked for us is providing some light at the end of the tunnel. Maybe plan a day off for everyone after a big project wraps up or a virtual team happy hour to decompress together.
  • Flexible hours have been a game-changer for us! As long as the work gets done, I don't mind if someone needs to step out for a bit to recharge. Trust is key. If you already have that, this should be an easy change to implement.
  • Encouragement from the top makes a difference. When the higher-ups acknowledge the hard work, it validates the team's effort. Maybe bring it up with your execs?
  • Have you considered professional development opportunities? Sometimes offering to sponsor a course or certification they've been eyeing can give them something to look forward to.

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