Key U.S. Antitrust Questions the Courts Could Answer in 2024

From search wars to real estate rumble, here’s a look at the major antitrust battles U.S. courts will analyze this year.

Key U.S. Antitrust Questions the Courts Could Answer in 2024

As 2024 starts, major court battles loom in the new year, poised to redefine the landscape of U.S. antitrust law for industries ranging from real estate to technology. 2024 promises to be a pivotal year for competition, with potential answers to crucial questions that could reshape the digital market and beyond.

Defining Platform Power 

Can tech giants like Google and Apple leverage their dominant platforms to favor their own products and services? The Justice Department's lawsuit against Google's alleged search monopoly and Epic Games' battle against both Google's and Apple's app store practices could significantly impact how platform power is regulated. Decisions in these cases could set precedents for how digital gatekeepers operate and pave the way for future challenges.

Reining in Tech's Power Players 

Will the FTC's ambitious lawsuits against e-commerce giant Amazon and private equity firm Welsh Carson Anderson & Stowe succeed in curtailing their alleged anticompetitive practices? Amazon faces accusations of manipulating prices, while Welsh Carson is charged with using its investments to harm competition in the healthcare sector. If successful, these cases could empower the FTC to tackle similar abuses across the tech and healthcare industries.

Real Estate on Trial 

Will the long-standing practice of buyer broker commissions in real estate fall under antitrust scrutiny? A $1.8B class-action verdict against brokers in Missouri has sent shockwaves through the industry, with similar lawsuits piling up in other states. The D.C. Circuit's decision on whether the Justice Department can resume an investigation into the National Association of Realtors could further muddy the waters, creating potential ripples throughout the housing market.

FTC's Power Under the Microscope 

Will the courts expand or limit the FTC's authority to enforce antitrust laws? Key cases like the one against Amazon and the potential D.C. Circuit ruling on the realtor trade group investigation will test the boundaries of the FTC's investigative powers and rule-making capacity. The outcome could reshape the agency's role in safeguarding competition across different sectors.

Shaping Merger Review 

Will courts give deference to the Biden administration's stricter approach to mergers? Decisions in ongoing challenges to high-profile mergers like Illumina and Grail and Microsoft and Activision Blizzard could provide critical insights into how courts interpret the administration's focus on potential harm to innovation and workers in merger reviews.

2024 promises to be a year of reckoning for U.S. antitrust law. The answers to these key questions will not only affect individual companies and industries but also determine the future of competition in the digital age and beyond. The courts' decisions will be closely watched by businesses, consumers, and policymakers alike, with the potential to reshape the economic landscape for years to come. Logo
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