Jenn McCarron Takes the Helm as CLOC President Amidst an All-Female Leadership Team

Jenn McCarron has been appointed as the new president of CLOC, succeeding Mike Haven, the Intel legal ops chief who has held the position since 2021.

Jenn McCarron Takes the Helm as CLOC President Amidst an All-Female Leadership Team

In a notable shift at the Corporate Legal Operations Consortium (CLOC), Jenn McCarron has been appointed as the new president, succeeding Mike Haven, the Intel legal ops chief who has held the position since 2021. McCarron, who has been serving as Netflix’s director of legal operations and technology for the past five years, is no stranger to the organization, having been a board member since 2020.

CLOC, which was founded in 2016, has rapidly become a pivotal force in enhancing the delivery of corporate legal services. The consortium facilitates collaboration among legal operations professionals and other industry stakeholders, including technology providers. Its annual CLOC Global Institute event in Las Vegas is a major draw for the community, with the previous conference attracting 2,500 participants from 25 different countries.

The appointment of McCarron completes an all-female leadership team for CLOC, with Farrah Pepper, chief legal innovation counsel of Marsh McLennan and CLOC board vice president, and Frances Pomposo, vice president of legal and government affairs strategy and operations at Splunk, serving as treasurer. This change reflects a broader trend in the legal industry towards more diverse and inclusive leadership structures.

The day-to-day operations of CLOC are overseen by Lisa Konie, a former director of legal ops at Adobe, who has been serving as interim executive director since December 2022. Konie stepped in following the departure of Betsi Roach, who left to pursue a new opportunity as the director of the taxation section of the American Bar Association.

CLOC has expressed its gratitude towards Haven for his leadership during his tenure, particularly for steering the organization through the pandemic and expanding its global influence. Haven, who joined the CLOC board in 2019 and has been with Intel for four years, will remain as a board member.

McCarron, known for her engaging presence as an emcee at CLOC Global Institute events and as the host of the CLOC Talk podcast, brings an eclectic background to the table. Her journey into the legal sector began with a temporary job that transitioned from her earlier career as a musician. Her vision for CLOC is to scale the efficiency of legal work in support of business operations, as she has articulated in past interviews.

As the legal industry continues to evolve, the influence of organizations like CLOC in shaping the future of legal operations cannot be understated. With McCarron at the helm, the organization is poised to continue its trajectory of growth and innovation, fostering a more collaborative and efficient legal operations community.

For more detailed information on the recent leadership changes at CLOC and insights into the organization's plans for the future, review CLOC's press release here. Logo
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