Jill Ratner to Take the Helm as GC at Sony Pictures Entertainment

Jill Ratner, previously with Disney, has been named the new General Counsel for Sony Pictures Entertainment, succeeding Leah Weil.

Jill Ratner to Take the Helm as GC at Sony Pictures Entertainment

In a strategic move within the entertainment legal landscape, Sony Pictures Entertainment has announced that Jill Ratner will be appointed as the company's General Counsel at the close of May. Ratner, who has established herself as a seasoned figure in the field, will be transitioning from her role at Disney.

During her five-year tenure as Deputy General Counsel at Disney, Ratner was at the forefront, managing a global team of 200 in-house counsel. Her journey with Disney began in the wake of their acquisition of 21st Century Fox in 2019, where she had previously held significant positions for nearly a decade and a half.

At 21st Century Fox, Ratner's ascent from Vice President of Litigation to Executive Vice President and Deputy General Counsel saw her spearheading various legal teams. Her work encompassed global litigation, employment law, intellectual property, privacy, and content protection. Notably, Ratner was instrumental in the launch of Hulu in 2007 and contributed to a landmark copyright victory for the television industry in the Supreme Court in 2014.

The announcement of Ratner's new role follows the departure of Leah Weil, Sony's long-standing General Counsel, who decided to step down after a 28-year tenure. Weil, in a heartfelt email to Sony's staff earlier this year, expressed her desire to focus on personal life and family after dedicating nearly three decades to a demanding career.

Sony's CEO Tony Vinciquerra praised Ratner's appointment, highlighting her proven track record as a "trusted, results-driven advisor and legal strategist." Vinciquerra's confidence in Ratner's capabilities underscores her fit for the role, given her experience in guiding legal teams through significant industry changes and transitions.

Ratner herself expressed gratitude for the opportunity, acknowledging Sony's resilience and strength in an evolving industry. Her appointment marks a significant chapter for Sony Pictures Entertainment as the company continues to navigate the dynamic entertainment sector.

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