Webinar Series: Future-Proof AI Policies

In our latest AI webinar, our expert panelists discussed the complexities and opportunities of crafting future-proof AI policies. Watch our on-demand webinar to gain valuable insights from industry leaders who are at the forefront of AI policy formation and implementation. Webinar Series: Future-Proof AI Policies

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For those who missed the live event or wish to revisit the insightful discussions, the on-demand version of the webinar is now available. Click here to watch our AI Policies webinar! Webinar Series: Future-Proof AI Policies hosted a thought-provoking discussion with Damien Riehl, VP, Solutions Champion at vLex, and Fiona Kaufman, Deputy General Counsel at Datastax. Our esteemed panelists unraveled the intricacies of policy formation in the AI landscape and shared invaluable insights into the future of AI policies.


  • Damien Riehl: VP, Solutions Champion @ vLex

    Damien highlighted the need for a foundational approach to policy creation, drawing a parallel with the Hippocratic oath in medicine. Damien emphasized, "When we think about creating any policy, we almost have to have a Hippocratic oath where like doctors say above all do no harm, right?" He also shed light on the decades-long presence of AI and the nuances of its integration into different business models.

  • Fiona Kaufman: Deputy General Counsel @ Datastax

    Fiona articulated the confidence and comfortability of Datastax in harnessing AI for day-to-day operations. She also emphasized the importance of revisiting and analyzing current processes to determine necessary policy changes.

Key Takeaways:

The webinar delved deep into the challenges and solutions of AI policy formation. Both Damien and Fiona emphasized the importance of understanding the nuances of AI and how it fits into the broader business landscape. Strategies for avoiding shadow IT policies, the importance of cross-functional collaboration, and the role of AI in supplementing the human workforce were among the highlighted topics. The speakers also offered actionable steps for updating policies and terms of service to seamlessly integrate new AI technologies.


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