Community Discussion: As GC, how do you approach ethical dilemmas, especially when the best legal decision might not align with the company's public image or values?

General Counsel discuss how to navigate ethical dilemmas and brand issues within legal decisions.

Community Discussion: As GC, how do you approach ethical dilemmas, especially when the best legal decision might not align with the company's public image or values?

(Author) General Counsel:

Recently faced a situation where the most advantageous legal decision for the company might not align with our public image or values. Curious how others here approach such ethical dilemmas? How do you balance legal responsibilities with moral considerations?

Edit: Thank you all for the insights. It's reassuring to know that others face similar challenges and prioritize ethics. It's a constant balancing act, but discussions like this remind me of the importance of our role beyond just legal advice.

General Counsel Responses:

  • It's a challenging tightrope to walk. I've often found that open communication with the executive team helps. Discussing potential reputational risks versus legal advantages can lead to a more holistic decision. It's not just about what we can do legally, but what we should do ethically.
  • Been there! Sometimes the best legal route might not be the best route for the company's long-term reputation. It's essential to weigh short-term gains against potential long-term impacts. Legal wins can sometimes be Pyrrhic victories if they tarnish the company's image. 🤷🏽
  • I've found that involving the PR and Communications teams early on can be invaluable! They can provide insights into how certain decisions might be perceived by the public and the media. It's a collaborative effort.
  • Remember, our role isn't just to provide legal advice but to advise on what's in the best interest of the company as a whole. Sometimes this means taking a step back and looking at the broader picture. It's okay to recommend a course of action that isn't the strongest legally but is the right move ethically.
  • There's also a personal element to this. We all got into law for various reasons, but at the end of the day, we have to be able to look at ourselves in the mirror. If a decision doesn't sit right with me, even if it's legally sound, I voice my concerns.
    • ^ Completely agree with you on this. I've been in situations where I've had to push back against the board because the "right" legal decision didn't align with my personal or the company's values. It's challenging, but it's crucial for maintaining integrity in our role.

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