Community Discussion: How does the General Counsel's office contribute to the company's corporate social responsibility and ethical stance?

Generals Counsel talk about how they think the office of the GC should be considering corporate social responsibility and ethical stances.

Community Discussion: How does the General Counsel's office contribute to the company's corporate social responsibility and ethical stance?

(Author) General Counsel & Corporate Secretary:

I just took on a new role at my company as Corporate Secretary. I want to know: How does the General Counsel's office contribute to the company's corporate social responsibility and ethical stance?

General Counsel Responses:

  • We're deeply involved in drafting and implementing our environmental policies. It's a big part of our corporate image these days, so it's important that I have a hand in every part of that.
  • Our team leads the charge in ensuring our operations meet not just legal standards, but ethical ones too. We work closely with CSR teams. I would make sure that you and your team are central to this effort as you will be the first to be notified if something goes wrong. 
  • My focus has been on human rights compliance in our supply chain. It's challenging but crucial for our CSR reputation.
  • We've been leveraging our legal expertise to advise on sustainable business practices, even influencing board-level decisions. I'm currently in the process of explaining to the board that these discussions should be a regular part of each meeting.
  • We're pushing for more diversity and inclusion in our hiring and promotion practices. I believe a diverse legal team leads to more balanced CSR policies. We're working with HR and marketing to help set the correct tone for these new initiatives and practices in our public persona. Just noting here; everything you do publicly, should very much be backed up internally. 
  • I encourage our team to engage in pro bono work, aligning with our company's social goals. It's a great way to give back and enhance our CSR profile.
  • In this digital age, part of our CSR is ensuring customer data protection. It's a key ethical responsibility we take very seriously. Since we are a tech company, and tech data breaches have been huge in the headlines lately, it's important to us that these practices are followed to the letter. 
  • As a multinational, our CSR challenge is ensuring consistency in ethical standards across different cultural and legal landscapes. This takes up a ton of our resources, but we know how important it is.
  • I'm often involved in reviewing and revising our corporate governance codes, making sure they reflect our CSR commitments and ethical values. I would make sure you are a part of this within your company.

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